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The following is our mission: (i)Through publications, outreach ministries (healthcare, education), seminars, mission trips, gospel musical ventures, leadership trainings, and other means, as well as through a variety of ministerial works, People from many groups, ethnicities, and backgrounds can communicate and work together in an international ministry.
(ii) To work toward upholding high moral and ethical standards among its members, partners and within the community; to support and encourage the empowerment and unification of people, organization, and their members.
(iii) To spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world and to save people from all backgrounds. To empower community both locally and internationally through leadership development, prayer conferences, seminars, Healthcare and educational outreach programs.
(iv) To accomplish any or all of the goals and purposes outlined in this incorporation by doing whatever is reasonably and legally required, appropriate, suitable, or convenient.
Enjoy as you navigate your way through this site.
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Support us by visiting our store for a collection of our books and CDs titled: The Journey, Going through the Valley, Prayer Diary Power to Conquer and Hallelujah Anyhow, Married Life, The Art of Deliverance. Rooted and Grounded, Keyman Jesus.